TRANSMED EXPERT Medical Center offers numerous functional explorations, including:
- Computerised Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Echocardiography (colour Doppler echo)
- Holter EKG
- Ambulatory monitoring (24/48 hours) of blood pressure
- Exercise test
- General abdominal ultrasound
- Obstetric-gynaecological ultrasound
- BP determination
- Spirometry
- Audiometry
The Holter is a device that allows monitoring of cardiac activity over 24/48 hours, during a normal day of patient activity, the data it records allowing the cardiologist to accurately diagnose cardiovascular diseases. The investigation involves the application of sensors to the patient’s body and the recording device (Holter).
The patient will be able to carry out all the usual set of activities, with few restrictions, during which specific parameters will be recorded that allow the identification of the pathology of the cardiovascular disease under investigation. Functional explorations can also be used to assess the degree of success in the treatment of chronic cardiovascular diseases.
Investigation available at Transmed Expert Medical Centre:
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (24/48 hours) :100 ron
- Holter EKG :150 ron
A method with wide applicability for the diagnosis of a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases.
The results measured and obtained in real time during a normal period of activity/rest allow diagnosis with increased accuracy and therefore a treatment scheme with maximum success rate.
Ambulatory monitoring (24/48 hours) of the patient’s blood pressure (BP) on an outpatient basis, while carrying out daily activities, by measuring BP values at variable time intervals set by the specialist.
Holter EKG: allows to obtain additional information regarding cardiac dynamics and prognosis compared to the classic EKG, allowing the recording of the patient’s electrocardiogram on three leads under conditions of rest, physical exertion or mental stress inherent to a usual 24/48 hour activity/rest period.